Haven't heard much, I think its still sitting waiting to go to its first committee. Break is coming up and this is the time that one of two things can happen. One is they could sneak it in when no one is looking, something the cretins obviously aren't ashamed to do. Or they can wait until September when everyone is back and they can do it then. My guess is that since they want to make such a point with this and the nature of the first bill is so incomplete that all the angles will want in, that it will be quite some time before there is action on it. As I said before, a lot of people are speculating maybe the start of football season might be the symbolic moment they are looking for, seems lousy legislation needs an excuse and big publicity backer to get anywhere. Gee wonder why that is? Still the fact is they want to make a big scene with this because its their "government looking out for the people" argument tied in with the fact that all the corporates involved in this got money, lots of it, and the Senators won't miss a shot at getting a little themselves. For those reasons I would just expect it to be on the back burner at least until the end of summer.